Friday, June 16, 2006

Finally Friday

The Farmers Market in GC was great last night - - we sold out of produce in an hour. We had a few bags of strawberries (small but sweet), radishes, spinach, 3 dozen eggs, and 10 bags of turnips (4 per bag). Never in my wildest dreams did I think we would sell out of the turnips, but we had a recipe for Savory Mashed Potatoes that called for 4 turnips and that was what sold them. Thanks to everyone who turned out for this market - - it was great to meet some new people and get re-acquainted with some familiar faces. My mom was helping out and she gave some great ideas to try at the next Market...

DH is coming home tonight after being gone all week. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder! We actually have a date planned tomorrow night!

Still working on DD's room redux - - it is tedious (stenciling the hems of the sheets and pillow case because I couldn't find the "right" sheets and decorating the mats with scrapbook paper & embellishments) . . . but fun.


Des_Moines_Girl said...

I love the farmer's market we have here in Des Moines - every Saturday during the season. They are trying to figure out a way to have it indoors so people can sell their crafts year round.

Janna said...

hey girl!

i love your blog... very fresh. interesting to read. not just scrap stuff... all the stuff that makes up your life. makes me wish i was living the rural life again.

i am intrigued by your mashed potato recipe... please share! it sounds yummy!!! good luck with the farmer's market!

have a wonderful weekend!
