I feel a bit behind as so many other bloggers are sharing their list of seeds that they've recently ordered and/or started (eee gads!). Now, folks are starting to talk about ordering chicks for the spring. Last spring, our friends at High Hopes Gardens sold us some laying hens to get us acclimated to the whole egg-laying thing. This year, I think we're ready to start some chicks.
I'm currently leaning toward a nice assortment of "Rainbow Layers" from Murray McMurray. I also heard the guy from Sand Hill Preservation Center speak, and I would love to order some stuff from him. I guess he sells the best sweet potatoes.
Gotta support Seed Savers Exchange, too. My Garden Girl Neighbor and I have a crazy plan to buy "only what we need" and share extra seeds & plants with each other. Ha! Like that will work for us, Garden Girl! But a road trip to SSE (pictured above) will be just what the doctor ordered around May. If anyone else is up for a Farmgirl Getaway to SSE, drop me a line!