Thursday, July 26, 2007

Moments of Grace

My DD sits on my lap, curled up early in the morning. Her head nestles perfectly into the crook of my neck, warm and soft. She talks about her stuffed animal friends and riding her bike and everything good. These small moments have helped me cope, day by day. Little blessings, benevolent friends, praying on the promises of God, and good music (thanks to the O'Melays site, I found the tool at the bottom of this blog).


Omelay said...

i like your music player. our choices are kinda similar. our play list is at starting from seeds i usually have that page open playing from our list during the day. some of the links are too old and broken but lots are still working.

Omelay said...

i hope all is well

vintagechica said...

Just checking in on you. I have tried to comment off and on for quite awhile now and Im not sure why my computer always balks here, but it is now letting me. I saw your fabric (on your swing) awhile back and knew right off when I posted about our playroom curtains you would recognize the print. You have good taste lady!

Sending lots of blessings your way this evening.

Sandy said...

Love this. Love the gift that daughters bring!

Omelay said...

ok, i miss you already. i know that blogging slacks off during busy summer months, but i need something to read too. besides, your last post left us hanging.